Upcoming Events with HCAS
February Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, February 8, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
March Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, March 8, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
April Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, April 5, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
May Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, May 3, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
June Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, June 7, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
July Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, July 5, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
August Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, August 2, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
September Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, September 27, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
November Open House 1
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, November 1, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
November Open House 2
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, November 29, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
December Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, December 27, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
January Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, January 4, 2025. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
December Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, December 7, 2024. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
December General Meeting
Review Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report
Old Business:
T-Shirt Orders
General interest
Order Form
Sell additional for club funds?
"Rent an Astronomer" Committee.
New Business
Upcoming Outreach Events:
Pack 800 Tiger Scouts.
Wednesday, 08Jan2025 1800 @Observatory
Astronomical League Award Discussion: Jason Morton
Round Table
November Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, November 9, 2024. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
So You Want to Be An Astronomer!:-)
This presentation is a brief introduction to the amazing and exciting world of amateur astronomy. It starts with a short overview of the history of astronomy and talks about some of the key historical figures. We will talk about the different types of instruments that can be used to observe the night sky including binoculars, the different types of telescopes and even night vision scopes. We will also discuss what sorts of things you can see in the night sky and talk about how and why what you see through an eye piece looks different than what you can see with a camera. Finally, we will discuss light pollution and its negative effects as well as how to be safe while you are observing the night sky! This talk is designed for curious kids of all ages, so be welcome and bring LOTS OF QUESTIONS!!
November BOD Meeting
Review Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report
Old Business:
Rent an Astronomer Update
T-shirt Update
New Business
Upcoming Outreach Events:
Fallston Middle School 6th Grade Science Stargazing - 12Nov2024 1700 @ Fallston Middle School.
Girl Scout Troop - 15Nov2024 1800 @ Observatory
2025 Open House/Meeting Schedule
Astronomical League Award Discussion: Jason Morton
Round Table
October Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, October 12, 2024. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
October General Meeting
Review Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report
Old Business:
Status of Mount in Dome
Update on Fundraising Plan
New Business
Upcoming Outreach Events:
Klepsig Family Stargazing - 19Oct2024 2000 @ the Observatory
Fallston Middle School 6th Grade Science Stargazing - 12Nov2024 1700 @ Fallston Middle School.
General interest
Order Form
Sell additional for club funds?
Astronomical League Award Discussion: Jason Morton
Round Table
September Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, September 14, 2024. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. Stay tuned for updates on presentations and other activities!
September BOD Meeting
Call to order
Review/approve previous meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report
Old Business
Website Move
Office 365 Update
Mount Repair in Observatory
New Business
Review updated Fundraising Plan
Discuss HCAS Shirt purchases
Refine "Rent an Astronomer" initiative
Review access to new Team for the BOD.
Black Forest Star Party - Central Pennsylvania Observers, Inc.
The Black Forest Star Party (BFSP) is an annual dark-sky amateur astronomy observing event hosted by the Central Pennsylvania Observers (CPO). Members of HCAS attend this annual star party with our neighbors to the north! Please take a look at the event registration and rules. We hope to see you there!
August Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on the last Saturday in January. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available.
August General Membership Meeting
7:00 PM -Review Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report
Old Business:
Members Only Night?
New Business:
New Website
New Communications (hafordastro.org email addresses)
Collaboration Opportunities
Teams for remote access to Meetings
Content for YouTube Channel/Website
APG STEM Day 2024
Astronomical League Award Discussion: Jason Morton
Round Table
7:30 PM - “Narrowband filters in Astrophotography - The Science of How They Work and How to Pick the Right Ones” presented by Brent Mantooth
You can capture images from your back yard that look like something from the Hubble Space Telescope – if you use the right tools. This image of the Rosette Nebula was taken in Bel Air MD. A technique called Narrowband Imaging uses special filters to cut light pollution and transmit only the emission of specific gasses found in nebula which reveal these amazing images. This talk will cover how narrowband imaging works, how the filters work and factors you need to consider in selecting the right filters for your telescope and camera.
July Open House
Everyone is invited to the HCAS Open House on Saturday, July 13, 2024. HCAS members will have their telescopes in the parking lot in front of the Observatory for observing planets, stars and nebulae. The large telescope in the dome will also be available. A thirty-minute slide show presentation on the sky, constellations, planets, and current topics will highlight the evening.
July BOD Meeting
Meeting Agenda:
Call to order
Review/approve previous meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report
Old Business
Fundraising Plan
Suggested uses of funds
Delegation of resources to contact donors
Amount to provide receipts (suggested guidance is over $250)
Tools for managing campaign
New Business
Moving Website to Squarespace
Review Demo site
Set up accounts
Schedule content and DNS moves
Upgrade Office 365 subscription
Through TechSoup
At least have licenses for the 4 Officers
Offer as an optional membership benefit (discounted Office and a harforastro.org email address)
Rob to set up subscription and email services if approved.
Adobe Creative Suite Subscription?
Also through TechSoup