Update: Mount is Fixed at HCC Observatory!

By Rob Bayne

Updated 24Aug2024:

Parts have been received and installed. Testing was a success! The mount is working beautifully and is ready to go for our next event!

Repairs are complete and the parts are en-route back to us! We are very excited to have the observatory scope back up and running before the next open house!

The issue with the motor box has been identified and Astro-Physics is beginning repairs. If all goes as planned, the mount will be up and running before the next Open House event on 14Sep2024.

Good morning all! I wanted to give everyone an update on the status of the scope and mount in the Observatory @HCC. We worked with Astro-Physics to troubleshoot. It looks as though the Declination motor box is bad. We have sent the parts to Astro-Physics for repair.

The impact of this is that the telescope in the dome is not usable until the repairs are complete and the parts re-installed. We will still have plenty of telescopes for viewing, as well as our normal assortment of activities. We can also provide interested parties tours of the dome and discuss the technical details of how the mount works!

We will keep everyone posted on when this is complete. Hopefully we will be able to welcome folks to view through the scope in the observatory soon!


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